Chat transcript - November 3rd, 2004

marina says,"Hi everybody! I just logged on!"
Stunned says,"hi there"
marina says,"just making sure there's nothing wrong with the computer. Be back just in a few."
Hoover says,"Do you usually use stunned or did you change your name"
Stunned says,"no, that's just the way I feel today "
marina says,"I am in total shock and depression. What the heck happeneed to our common sense?????"
Stunned says,"I'm just stunned"
marina says,"I am typing for myself until noon. Forgive the slow pace"
Stunned says,"how long did you stay up last night? I think I didn't sleep at all..."
marina says,"It should be like Australia here. Voting should be compulsory."
Stunned says,"it is in Australia?"
marina says,"I stayed up till 12 but I had nightmare4s all night."
Stunned says,"everyone I know can't believe the result"
marina says,"Well CA always leans to the left so I know we did our part. I just wonder about the middle of the country where W won by a landslide."
Stunned says,"I was totally astonished that Bush won Florida "
Stunned says,"after what has happend 4 years ago, that is"
Tehi says,"when did the chat start?"
Stunned says,"5 minutes ago or so"
marina says,"we just started early"
Tehi says,"Marina, congrats for getting the best actress award in the film festival!"
marina says,"Thanks so much... it was a big surprise."
Kathy says,"How was "Crash"?"
Tehi says,"Marina, why don't you post on the board anymore?"
Tehi says,"Did we scare you away? ;)"
marina says,"I haven't seen Crah. There was a screening but it was right after I got back from England and I was too jet-lagged to go."
Stunned says,"How was your time in England?"
marina says,"I know I haven't posted for a while but it's been crazy since I got back....2 cat surgeries, aging parents and a host of other problems. Sorry."
marina says,"Things are gradually getting back to normal....except for the cat who has a cast on her lrg and is miserably in a cage."
Tehi says,"Marina, do u have any other projects in the near future? "
marina says,"Things are very quiet right now although pilot season is coming up and it will get busier."
marina says,"Hey Fred."
Fred27 says,"Hello every one from Germany. Did I miss anything: Time change was here and all?"
Fred27 says,"Hey, Marina!"
marina says,"No I just came on early "
marina says,"Looks like I'm doing my own typing today...uhoh!!!!"
Kathy says,"Why did the dog attack the E* guy?"
marina says,"Hi Daisy. Are you new?"
marina says,"Kathy is that a joke?"
marina says,"I had a fab time in London and I think the t.v. show is going to be really good. We have to keep our fingers crossed and hope it gets sold."
Stunned says,"so if the pilot sells well, you might go back for more episodes?"
marina says,"Hi D>Dest. how are you?"
D._Destiny says,"I'm good, thank you. You?"
Tehi says,"Marina, can you tell us some more about the pilot you shot?"
marina says,"Fortunately British tv series are only 6-8 episdes so I would'nt be gone for ages."
Kathy says,"Marina, just wondering if you ever took the suggestion seriously about having your agent get in touch with C Colombus or Mark Radcliffe about Harry Potter 5. You would make an excellent villian of Bellatrix LeStrange"
marina says,"I play a greek hairdresser who is dissatisfied with her life and throws her husband out. In doing so she brings down the whole family. It's very dramatic and very Greek."
marina says,"I haven't read HP5."
Doree says,"If the show is sold, what does that mean for you and a shooting schedule?"
marina says,"I can hear GWB in the background excuse me while I commit Hari Kiri."
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"What's GWB???"
marina says,"Our re-elected Prez."
marina says,"Hi Doree. I would probably be gone for about 3 months."
marina says,"Are they letting off fireworks early in England?"
Doree says,"I'm still in a state of disbelief at the outcome."
Stunned says,"well, I'm...stunned"
marina says,"I think all right thinking ppl are."
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"@Marina: Nobody seems to stick to the 5th of Nov. for fireworks any more - especially with people setting them off in October for things like Diwali + Halloween...
Fred27 says,"Marina, many people in Germay are just very sad about the election results. We are really scared and hope things don't take a turn for the worse."
D._Destiny says,"I think the entire world is holding its breath for the next 4 years...on the other hand, maybe it's fair that he gets to clean up his own mess....sadly it's not like we can lock him into his room till he has cleaned it"
Kathy says,"Well, the ppl just can't think for themselves and believe all the rhetoric. If the younger voters had come out in force instead of 17%, I think Kerry would have won"
marina says,"I hope he does'nt make things worse by cotinuing his crusade in the mid-east."
Stunned says,"maybe he goes for korea now "
marina says,"Or maybe Iran?"
D._Destiny says,"I've heard that yellow cars do make good targets "
marina says,"I don't get the yellow car reference."
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"@Marina: Complete change of subject, I know, but did you do any shopping in Milton Keynes while you were there for Collectormania earlier this month?"
marina says,"Do any of you think that voting should be compulsory."
D._Destiny says,"ah, Daisy's car is yellow ;) (I would've whispered that in your ear...but ;)"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"I'm only asking because it was in a shopping centre so it wouldn't be at all surprising..."
Stunned says,"I don't know how it could be compusory? how do they check that?"
Stunned says,"and what do they do if people don't vote?"
marina says,"I did not have time to shop. There were thousands of ppl"
Fred27 says,"@Destiny, speaking of Islamic people, did the police catch the assinator of Pim Fortuyn?"
marina says,"In Australia it,s compulsory and it works there."
Stunned says,"but how do they "punish" people who don't vote in australia?"
marina says,"Yes they caght the assasin"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"@Marina: That's a shame...Then again, I was one of those many people taking up your valuable shopping time (lol!) - you don't by any chance remember someone in a weird turquoise outfit who asked you to sign their picture to "St*r" instead of my real name...??"
marina says,"Yes I do remember you.. how are you?"
marina says,"You could express your dissatisfaction by registering that you refuse to vote."
Kathy says,"It tool me a whole 5 min's to vote, and that included parking time"
marina says,"Me too Kathy"
marina says,"Doree I'm sorry but I gorgot your ?"
Doree says,"That's okay, I have too. :-)"
marina says,"If only young ppl realised that by voting you really can change the world....."
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"[tries to be polite + not giggle at Marina's mis-spelling of 'forgot'...!]"
D._Destiny says,"aw Star, leave the poor woman alone, she's taking a step in the grand world of typing for onesself "
marina says,"Yea no making fun of my typing. If I check my spelling I'll only be able to post 2 sentences!!!"
marina says,"oh by the way and changing the subject drastically ...Patrick got me an invitation to a party at no.10 but I can't go cos I'm here."
Fred27 says,"@Marina, did you every speak to Patrick Stewart, regarding his representing the actors union for Tony Blair?"
Fred27 says,"@Marina, will you give Patrick a hand later in the future?"
marina says,"Patrick is very solidly behind Blair and it's not making him very popular"
marina says,"I've told him that I will try to help"
Stunned says,"oh, how so?"
D._Destiny says,"So, Marina, what are your favourite shoes? "
marina says,"I honestly believe that Blair was duped and is now between a rock and a hard place"
marina says,"My fave shoes are actuaaly a pair of boots that Dornie bought me for my b/day"
Stunned says,"what color? what kind of boots? what kind of heels? *in a shopping mood*"
Daisy says,"eveyone's wearing those ugly ugg boots here right now - don't buy them Stunned!"
marina says,"Black stillettos with a green panel in the front"
D._Destiny says,"stilettos huh? And Dornie bought them? "
marina says,"I do have uggs(someone bought them for me) I only wore them in London when it was cold"
D._Destiny says,"I got frisked both times when I went to London last summer...I must look really untrustworthy "
marina says,"They were for this year's b/day and they're very sexy"
marina says,"Don't worry I always get frisked too"
marina says,"No I think it's cos I look like a terrorist LOL"
Kathy says,"Well, you do play them on TV"
Tehi says,"Marina, out of curiousity, which cosmetic company's products do you use??"
marina says,"In Germany they're very suspicious of me"
marina says,"I havent boght any make-up in years cos I'm always given it when I work. As to creams I buy whatever comes with a free gift as long as it isn't tested on animals"
D._Destiny says,"Do you test it on Skilaki at home?"
Fred27 says,"@Marina, change your hair color! That usually helped with my Turkish and Greek friends. Blonds do have more fun if the dye job is done well!"
marina says,"Can you imagine me as a blonde???? And no Ski is cruelty free too"
Fred27 says,"Marina, you looked pretty good in that wig in 'Loot'"
marina says,"Yes but I had aton of make-up on"
Tehi says,"Was that a wig in Loot? "
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"What's 'Loot'? Is it a film?"
D._Destiny says,"Marina, have you ever been to Milaan?"
marina says,"I always wear wigs if I can cos the hairdresser can do your hair when you/re not in it"
marina says,"I have been to Milan"
marina says,"Loot was a play i did many years ago"
Doree says,"Marina, have you ever thought about trying out colored contacts just to see what you'd look like with blue eyes or even those cat eye ones for Halloween?"
marina says,"I did Rocky Horror in Milan and apart from shopping there is'nt much to do there"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"@Marina: veering away from the subject yet again, I'd like to ask: have you seen EastEnders recently? (Just asking out of interest because I watch it too)"
marina says,"I was wearing green contacts on my first date with Michael and he asked if they were my real eyes. I said yes... He's never let me forget that I lied to him"
Tehi says,"Marina, are you one of those that can shop till u drop? ;)"
marina says,"I watched E?enders when I was in London and yes I can shop til everyone drops"
Doree says,"Where did you and Michael go on your first date, if it's not too personal."
Daisy says,"speaking of... Marina, what's your favourite Jeans brand?"
marina says,"I asked him to dinner at my place and he never left!!!"
D._Destiny says,"you sure you didn';t put glue on his seat? *arches eyebrow*"
marina says,"I wear Earl and seven"
marina says,"NO he said I made magic beans"
Tehi says,"Marina, what was it like to have Michael with you on the tng set, when he had a small role in one of the episodes?"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"Marina, here's a weird question: I know (and dislike!) a very strange person who often refers to you as "Martina" Sirtis because he's a moron. Do I have your permission to behead him if he does it again? [note: I'm not 100% serious about this as I'm not that violent a person in reality]"
marina says,"He was very nervous so I made a fuss of him which thinking about it probably made things worse"
Fred27 says,"@Daisy, I understand this problem. I don"t fit in European clothes and my Mum sends me all the clothes you see me in at FED-CON"
marina says,"Tell him that all Martinas play tennis and I don't thn behead himlol"
D._Destiny says,"of course. Only Europeans fits in European clothes, duh!"
Stunned says,"ever been to H & M, Marina?"
Doree says,"What is Michael's favorite dish of yours?"
D._Destiny says,"I mean, Bush couldn't fit into European clothe, no sir! (mainly because no one would sell them to him, but still :p)"
marina says,"Another year passes and yet again I/m not invited to FedCon"
Daisy says,"Fed-Con is getting more expensive by the year"
marina says,"Michael likes Greek food the most"
Stunned says,"well, you can try RingCon, but you have to dress up as an Elb"
D._Destiny says,"or a hobbit *g*"
marina says,"You guys are nuts lol"
Daisy says,"nope, *we* are totally normal!"
Doree says,"Hey, gotta go to a meeting. Great to have you back Marina! Thanks for the chat and hope we all do it again soon."
marina says,"Is thatn the royal WE?"
Fred27 says,"@Destiny, the reason I don"t shop Europe is because most of the clothes stop at a size 40/US 10 and in the US, the average size is44/14."
Stunned says,"WE?"
marina says,"See you soon I hope Doree"
Hoover says,"At least all of you can fit in to adult clothes,I have to wear children's sizes."
marina says,"OK if your skinny enogh to wear kids clothes you can't complain... This is from someone who gaineed 10 lbs in Europe over the summer"
err_Lich says,"can we talk about mark philips now?"
marina says,"Who?"
Hoover says,"I'm only 4 ft 8 inches that's why i have to wear kids clothes"
Stunned says,"42 is a normal size here"
Fred27 says,"@Stunned, yes, this is true with most shop: Benneton, Zara, "
marina says,"I totaaly agree"
Stunned says,"try H & M - they even have oversizes"
marina says,"All the tng ppl who were in the uk went out to dinner and when Dornie saw me dressed up he offered me a personal trainer for a month as my Xmas pressy"
Stunned says,"woah, that's mean"
Stunned says,"slap dornie for me"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"I hope he was joking otherwise that's cruel"
marina says,"I already did!"
D._Destiny says,"Well, you should tell that personal trainer to learn you kickboxing so you can take Dornie out *g*"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"What time does this chat finish at? I thought it was 9pm UK-time but it's now 9:07 according to my watch...not that I mind!"
marina says,"Thought I do a little extra cos I've been gone so longt"
Kathy says,"So, Marina...are you still up for this get-together thingie?"
marina says,"I can't kick box . My back goes out"
marina says,"We think that March 14 might work .It's the day after Grand Slam"
Daisy says,"are the Europeans still invited?"
marina says,"Everyone's invited"
D._Destiny says,"Marina, I don't suppose you know someone in London who could rent me an appartment there real cheap huh? I wanna study in London
Kathy says,"Just making sure on the weekend trip, cuz' I would have to take vacation long as we get to see you for more than 5 minutes"
marina says,"I can't think of anyone right now. sorry"
St*r_[with_a_star] says,"@Marina: serious question this time - can you give me any advice on not feeling too self-conscious while acting? At the moment I just refuse to do anything that I feel will make me look/feel stupid in front of an audience, instead of being brave enough to give it a try regardless of my inhibitions."
marina says,"I think it'll be a whole "thing" with food and Michael's band and dancing etc"
marina says,"Star you have to focus more on you and what you are doing and try to blank out the audience. It takes practice but keep on. Everyone has the same problem when they start"
Daisy says,"D. - we won't make it anyway - I guess we won't even get through the first security check" won't even get through the first security check"
Stunned says,"I refuse to give my fingerprint anyway"
marina says,"Fingerprint and photo"
Stunned says,"maybe people from outside the US have to stay in quarantine for a while"
marina says,"Like pets in"
marina says,"Sorry But I had to take a call"
B._Endet says,"who was it?"
marina says,"One of my neighbours is in the hospital "
Fred27 says,"@Marina, before you go, just wanted to say, thanks for the extra time. Take care of your hubby, father-in-law and pets. Also do go on the boards and answer the first two pages of posts--many people couldn"t make the chat and have been waiting since the Olympics."
marina says,"OK I'll have some lunch and then go to the boards"
Fred27 says,"Thaks and peace out. Hubby just got home from England and I must to my wifely duties. Good-night!!"
marina says,"Sooooo I'll talk to you all again soon Take care and don't let the bastards get you down peace"
marina says,"Good-Bye! I just logged off!"